time is
The essay like narration of the voice-over is based on broad and associative research around time and space in philosophy, physics, mathematics, psychology, sociology, art, pop culture and conspiracy theories. A voice with neutral tone, speaking English with a German accent, explores individual and cultural perceptions of time while as a repetitive and recursive motif a digitally animated clock, spins, merges and divides, psychedelically changes shape and becomes a sunset/sunrise over the ocean resembling a screensaver from the 2000s.
The clock references a wall clock my family used to have over our kitchen table. The clock pictured an illustrative sunrise/sunset over the ocean. I constantly wondered about this strange image that depicted the transitory moment between night and day. Being on pause the ambiguous images just made sense with the actual time twice a day. I always wished it would change with time or at least reveal what it showed: sunset or sunrise.